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The human heart is hardwired to love stories. They entertain and teach us at the same time. Jesus was a master storyteller. He found a way to take common objects, customs, and practices that people easily understood, and use them to illustrate complicated truths about the character of God and salvation. This message kicks off a nine-week sermon series looking at some of Jesus’ most famous parables. Each of the parables we will study examines God’s desire for us to understand Him and love Him with our whole heart. The first parable, called the “sower,” examines the openness of our hearts to the Good News of the Gospel.
This series focuses on the parables of Jesus. Jesus often taught by telling stories that were simple and relatable, yet profound. His parables revealed deep truths about human nature, our waywardness, and the Father's unfailing love. We can't wait to examine why He taught this way, and dive into the parables themselves.