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What happens to those who have not accepted Christ as their savior because they've never heard the Gospel? Guest speaker, Dr. Todd Ahren, explores three schools of thought on this: Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism. Pluralism is the belief that the world religions are true and equally valid in their communication of the truth about God, the world, and salvation. Inclusivism holds that God is present in non-Christian religions to save the adherents through Christ (i.e., they go to heaven and discover Jesus saved them). Exclusivism contends that there is no salvation in non-Christian religions. Dr. Ahrens explains why the exclusivist view is the only realistic view and encourages people to reach people of other world religions with a simple approach outlined in Acts 17:22-28. Study other religious texts, find common ground, and use as a bridge to sharing the Gospel.