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In our culture, we are often encouraged to follow influencers and leaders with the promise that following them and their way of life will help us live the kind of life we long for. But what we will find time and time again is that the promise comes up short, and we are left wondering if we will ever find purpose. We also live in a culture that says life is all about you, and yet the life lived for ourself feels hollow and empty. So where do we turn when the leaders we look to and the culture around us fails us? As we continue our study of Philippians, we will find an invitation to join Christ in His example, and find an unexpected route to the best life possible.
Even though it was written centuries ago, Philippians is a particularly compelling book for us right now. Our country is divided by social and political issues which inevitably trickle into our families, our workplaces, our culture, and even the church. How are God’s people supposed to live in these tension-filled times?
Paul’s wisdom to the church in Philippi provides answers and offers direction. The Philippian church existed in its own hotbed of cultural and political tension. Paul encouraged them to lean into the tension with a specific mindset of Jesus, who humbled himself by considering the needs of others before his own. By adopting this same mindset of humility as God’s people, we can fight for unity and connection in the midst of division. Whose thinking and way of life should we follow? Paul makes the case for it to be Jesus – and we need Him now more than ever.