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Like the rise of Israel, the fall begins with David. Moses and David had the same advice for the people of Israel: follow God’s commands live in trusting obedience to Him, or it will not go well with you. David shared that advice with his son, Solomon, when David was near the end. However, in his early years, King David broke one of God’s most fundamental commands—thou shall not commit adultery. David slept with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a Hittite, while Uriah was off fighting wars for David. Bathsheba becomes pregnant, and David tries covering it up by providing opportunities for Uriah to sleep with Bathsheba, and when he doesn’t, David sends orders to put Uriah on the frontlines, knowing he would die there. David later discovers the depths of his depravity when Nathan tells him about a rich man who took a neighbors lamb for his party rather than use his own. David said he would punish that man severely and Nathan says the story is about David and Bathsheba. David was deeply repentant. Today, we deal with the consequences of one man’s sin—Adam. We can’t escape it, but we can learn from David and repent our sins.