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Who comes to mind when you think of a hero? What do they look like? How would you describe their character? Isaiah 53 contains a poem with a description of a future savior that paints an unlikely picture of a hero. Written 700+ years before Jesus, it describes the great cost of redemption and the gift of salvation won by a suffering servant on a cross.
In the season of Advent, we take time to reflect upon the birth of Jesus. Sometimes in the darkness of our lives, or in the midst of the mundane, the story of Christmas can almost seem like a fairy tale that brings little help in our actual lives. But what if discovering the promises that Jesus fulfilled in His birth can give us hope for what He can do in our lives today? We hope you'll join us for a 3-week Advent series called “Unto Us.” We will explore the Christmas story by examining the messianic promises in the book of Isaiah, and see how the fulfillment of those promises impacts our lives. Because of Jesus, we can experience the joy of knowing we have a God who keeps His promises—in the past, in the future, and in our lives right now.