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Our world is filled with scammers and liars, but what do we do when the scams are spiritual teachings? How do we know when a teaching is false? And what results come from putting false teaching into practice? Back when Paul wrote to the Colossian church, they were facing the same questions and dilemmas. In this week's message, we will see how to discern false teachings and what to do once we identify them. The best part? We will see how the truth always sets us free.
We live in an increasingly confusing society. It’s hard to know what is true, and many differing philosophies are ruling the day. Whether its new age spirituality, legalism, asceticism, stoicism, materialism, or many other “isms”, there is a whirlwind of ideas that can make it difficult to know what to believe. At the core of all of these issues, there is one question we must wrestle with: who is Jesus? If Jesus was just a good teacher, then people can have their own ideas on how they ought to live their lives. But if Jesus is truly the King over all creation, then we have to make a decision about living in response to His supremacy. About 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Colossian church that centered around the same questions – who is Jesus? What did He do? What is He still doing? How does He set us free from the things of this world? How should we respond? Join us as we explore one of the most relevant letters in the entire New Testament – a letter that helps us see Jesus more clearly, especially as we prepare our hearts to celebrate His death and resurrection at Easter.