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Lately, as we look around the world, it feels like darkness is winning the day. Things seem to be getting worse, and this can cause us to lose hope. We begin to wonder "what's the point?" It was at a time like this that Jesus wrote His letter to the church in Philadelphia, to remind them to hold onto their hope. Join us as we continue our series, The Seven Letters of Revelation, by exploring what He said to the church In Philadelphia in the 1st Century, and how it still applies to us in the 21st Century.
If Jesus wrote you a letter, what would He say to you? To our church? What would He share with us about His priorities for us? What does He find pleasing and displeasing? What would He say about our level of obedience? We'll take a look at how Jesus addressed each of these issues as we take a close look at the letters written to the seven churches of Asia Minor in the 1st Century. Though these letters weren’t addressed to us, they were written for us and provide us with a richer understanding of Jesus, His heart for the global church, and His eternal perspective for each of our lives.