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What went wrong with the world? Why is there so much pain and suffering? Every worldview has to answer this question. Sin and death entered the world because we have an enemy who wants us to separate us from God. His name is Satan. He first appears to Eve in the garden and has been actively deceiving us ever since. This message explores the origins of Satan, how he works to mislead us and how we can resist his strategies of deception.
In a world filled with conflicting opinions, how can we know which ones to trust? In the Age of Exploration, sailors had only one trustworthy guide: the North Star. It’s the only star in the visible cosmos that never moves. What if there are certain truths that act the same way in our lives? What if there are truths in God’s design that never change, across time and history? We will study the Bible to understand a Christian worldview, how it answers life's big questions more completely than any other worldview, and how we can live in light of these truths.