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Who do you listen to? The book of Hebrews is a powerful and mysterious book. In some ways it’s unlike any other book in the Bible. We don’t know who wrote it or exactly who it was written to… and it doesn’t really matter. The message of Hebrews transcends time and place. The main goal of Hebrews is to highlight the supremacy of Jesus and encourage Jesus’ followers to remain faithful. This message will focus on Hebrews 1:1-4, which establishes the supremacy of Jesus and invites us to listen closely to the voice of Jesus.
Our 2019 preaching focus is increasing our knowledge of and love for Jesus -- and Hebrews shows us Jesus is the ultimate expression of God's love and mercy. As we look at the surpassing greatness of Christ in Hebrews, we will also see a clear challenge to remain faithful to our Savior and His teachings.