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Jesus’ challenge to His disciples in the Beatitudes stand as a stark contrast to the culture of their day and the world we live in today. In an upside down fashion Jesus teaches what it truly means to be a Christ follower. We can probably agree that anger, revenge, judgment, and some would say hatred seem to be on an increase in our country. In a time when we need it most, Jesus is calling on His followers to be merciful. Not to be caught up in being right or making a stand for or against something. “Blessed are the merciful…” , how often do we hear that in our day? In this teaching we’ll examine what mercy is, and how we can become blessed by giving it freely. Prayerfully, the outcome will be His Church starting a new movement of mercy. Mitch Lautenslager
In this series, we explore the eight blessings (or Beatitudes) recounted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Each is a proverb-like proclamation, without narrative.