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There are certain themes in Scripture that are seen all throughout the Bible. Idolatry is one of those. During the days of Elijah, many people were living idolatrous lives. Sad but true it still happens in our day as well. 1 Kings 18 recalls an epic battle on Mount Carmel, a showdown between two God’s. In this message, called “Which god Will You Serve?”, we will see Elijah confronting the idols of that day. What does that mean for us? Well, we will understand that idolatry may come in different forms today but we can identify the warning signs to prevent it.
This series is a character study examining the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah. Elijah's life and ministry were full of dramatic highs and lows, danger, faith-filled prayer, times of deep intimacy with God, and a drive to draw God's people back to Him.