Inside the heart of every Christian there is war being waged between our selfish will and the will of God. There comes a time when every follower of Jesus must choose their master. If we follow our selfish will, we will add to the suffering of the world. If we follow the will of God, he will use us to heal the suffering of the world. We’re on week 6 of a study in 1 Peter, in which we view the life of a Christian as an exile living in a foreign land. In the text for this week, Peter encourages us to adopt the attitude of Christ. Jesus took up his cross and denied his selfish will. He invites us to do the same – and if we do, he promises that we will find true life.
As we look around at our culture, we can quickly agree that things are not as they should be. But how are Christ followers to respond in times like this? In the book of 1 Peter, we are encouraged to respond like exiles living among a foreign people, living as citizens of God’s kingdom.