“Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” This is one of the most famous quotes of Helen Keller. Though many of us would agree that this makes sense, we still try to live much of our lives on our own, especially in the realm of our spirituality. Many Americans try to do the Christian walk on their own, and yet from the very beginning, God wanted us to follow Him alongside others. As we continue our series, “In This Together,” we will look at the third component of the Intentional Life. We will see why being part of a discipleship group isn’t just a good idea, it is vital to our own growth and to the mission itself.
Our mission as a church is to make disciples who make disciples. As followers of Jesus, committed to the mission of Jesus, we partner with Him and each other in fulfilling this mission. This series will look at how we can work together to fulfill this mission.