This week we begin our study of The Gospel of Mark. Our goal is to learn from the life of Jesus, with the desire to become more devoted disciples of Jesus. In this first part of the series, we will start our Journey to the Cross, culminating in the remembrance and celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. But for each of us, that journey begins with what we do with the reality of who Jesus is. Mark tells us that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. We are then confronted with the message of Jesus: repent and believe the good news! But what does that mean? How should that impact the way we think and the way we live?Join us as we begin this epic adventure together and contemplate the invitation of Jesus for every single one of our lives.
From Series: "Journey to the Cross: the Gospel of Mark"
Over the next seven weeks, we will follow Jesus on His journey to the cross through Mark’s powerful account. Lent is a time to refocus our hearts on Jesus, remembering both the cost of His sacrifice and the depth of His love for us. Mark paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ suffering — His willingness to endure pain and even separation from God for our sake. Whether you’re new to faith or have followed Jesus for years, this journey through Mark will help us all reflect on His incredible sacrifice.