In your darkest hours, who or what do you place your trust in? The valley we are in seems so far from the abundant life of green pastures that God promises us... so far from our Good Shepherd. Yet, Psalm 23:4 tells us that He is with us, and Jesus affirmed that promise when He said: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b). This week, we explore what it looks like to trust that He is with us so that we can be led out of the dark valley and into the abundant life and green pastures He promises us.
Do you feel restless? Are you feeling alone? Are you struggling to find hope right now? Many of us are familiar with Psalm 23. But because it’s so familiar, we often breeze through the psalm without slowing down long enough to rest in the promises it offers. In this 6-part series, we'll be studying Psalm 23.