Whether you are dedicating your child to the Lord, being baptized, celebrating a marriage, or planning a funeral, we want to be there for you and help make your next life event both God-honoring and memorable for you and those close to you.

Next Baptism: May 4 | 8:45 & 10:45 am services

We are very excited about your decision to be baptized here at Christ The Rock. If you have received Jesus as your Savior, we can’t wait to celebrate this important step in your spiritual life!

Before registering, we ask that you please watch a video and read an explanation of what baptism is about: Click here to watch the video and read about baptism.

To register, click on the link below:

Baptism Registration

Next Parent Child Dedication: Coming in June 2025 | 8:45 & 10:45 am services

God celebrates every child! With the support of our church community, relatives and friends, parents commit to raising their child to know, love and follow Jesus. Parents must register in advance and attend an orientation the night before the dedication. If you have any questions, contact Jen: 920.730.8383 ext. 311. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is “Dedication”?

Child Dedication is a time for you to publicly declare your commitment to raise your child to know and love Jesus. It’s also a time to welcome grandparents, friends and other relatives who are crucial in supporting you in your journey.

Child dedication is not the same as infant baptism. We believe that baptism is a public declaration of an individual’s decision to follow Christ. Since infants are not capable of making that decision, we reserve baptism for a time when an individual is old enough to understand the decision to accept Christ as Savior.

What is required before parents dedicate their child/children?
Parents must attend an orientation before the Child Dedication, and be ready to publicly commit to the following statements. (Child dedications do not require membership at Christ The Rock.)

  • You have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and decided that He will be the center of your lives and home.
  • You believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and you regularly read it and obey it.
  • You will invest time, energy, devotion and prayer on behalf of your children to help them cultivate a relationship with Jesus.
  • You agree that you need the support and guidance of a Christian community to carry out your commitments to God and your children.

What does Christ The Rock believe about baptism and dedication?

We believe that baptism is a public declaration of an individual’s decision to follow Christ. Since infants are not capable of making that decision, we reserve baptism for a time when an individual is old enough to understand their decision to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. Faith is not passed on to a child through dedicating the child; rather, parents are making a commitment to raise their child in the training and instruction of the Lord with the desire that one day their child will receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and choose to be baptized.

When do child dedications happen at Christ The Rock?

Child dedications are part of Christ The Rock weekend services several times a year.

We are here to support you as you face the loss of loved ones. We are available to share the love of Christ, offer practical help, encouragement and support. Call the church office at 920.730.8383 to let us know you need to schedule a funeral. 

Premarital Class & Mentoring | Registration for the March class is closed.

Premarital Class:

March 8 and 15, 2025; 2 Saturdays – attend both days. (for couples without children from a prior relationship) 

Register for March 8 and 15

Build a marriage centered on Christ that will last a lifetime. The class will help you to be proactive and wise about common issues in marriage, such as communication, finances, sex, expectations based on your families of origin, handling conflict in healthier ways, and more. Mentoring with an experienced couple follows the 2-day class. Cost: $75 per couple. Registration deadline: March 3

Class participants should pack a lunch to bring each Saturday; water and snacks will be provided!

Smart Stepfamily/Premarital Class:

March 7 and 8, 2025 (for couples with children from a prior relationship/becoming a stepfamilyCost: $75 per couple. Registration deadline: March 3

Register for March 7 and 8


We share in your happiness as you start to plan your wedding and begin the beautiful adventure of marriage. Our pastors will work with you to plan a ceremony that honors God and matches your dreams for your special day.

The first step to being married by a CTR pastor is completion of our premarital class and mentoring (6-9 months before the wedding). On your class registration form you will be asked to list your planned wedding date (if known), your planned wedding location, and the name of your officiant.

If you wish to request a CTR pastor, please indicate this on your registration form and email Jerilyn Hidden jhidden@christtherock.org to make your request. We will do our best to find a CTR pastor to officiate your ceremony.

After you register for the class, we will pencil in your wedding date on the church calendar to reserve the building if you are planning an onsite ceremony. Your date will be confirmed after successful completion of the premarital class and mentoring, approval from your wedding pastor, and payment of the wedding rental fee. The premarital class and mentoring requirements also apply for offsite weddings officiated by a CTR pastor.

Christ The Rock is not equipped to host wedding receptions, wedding showers, or rehearsal dinners.

For more detailed information contact the Church Office at 920.730.8383.