Crossing Young Adult Ministry

Every Thurs. | 7:00 pm
Crossing is for young adults (ages 18 to 30-something) who want to grow in knowing Jesus. Come for Bible teaching, worship, serving others, community events, fun and living life together. You’re welcome any Thursday at 7 pm! You can also email Brent about being part of Crossing, or for details about events, Bible studies and gatherings besides Thursday large group, or join ‘Crossing Young Adult Ministry’ on Facebook for current teaching series and events. 


Men’s Discipleship

We encourage all men at Christ The Rock to become growing disciples of Jesus who make more disciples. We hope you’ll join a group:

Below are “open” groups, which you can begin attending anytime. We also offer couples/coed groups, which you can find by clicking the “Join a Group” button above.

Thursday Morning Study | 8:00-9:30 am in The Loft (second floor) at CTR or online on Zoom
Group Leader: Bruce

Thursday Evening Study | 6:30-8:00 pm in The Clubhouse at CTR
Group Leader: Jon

Tuesday Evening Study | 7:00-8:30 pm in the L127 (lower level) at CTR and via Skype
Group Leader:

Prayer Gatherings | 2nd & 4th Mon. each month at 6:00 pm in th Worship Center. Join others to pray for CTR leaders, the global church, current events, and more. Come for time to seek Him earnestly together.

No Regrets Men’s Conference | Hels the first Saturday in February at Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, or online

Attend live at Elmbrook Church, or host a group in your home for worship, teaching by national and international speakers, and discussion time. This energetic, catalytic conference will equip you to get real, get moving, and go beyond surface level faith. 


Women of The Rock

Women of The Rock is a connection and discipleship ministry for women who want to pursue Jesus with their whole hearts, and support one another on that journey. To connect with other CTR women in real time, join ‘Women of The Rock’ on Facebook, where we pray for each other and get to know awesome women who love Jesus and others well. 


Thursday Morning – Kids Welcome! | 9:15-11:30 am in the Whale Room (1st floor Children’s Ministry area). Kids are welcome to come and play in the Whale Room while you learn.
Group Leader: Tricia

Thursday Night Women’s Group | 6:30-8:00 pm in Combined Locks. Contact Amy for more details.
Group Leader: Amy

To find out more about Discipleship Groups, contact Cortney.

Prayer Gatherings | 2nd & 4th Mon. each month at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center

Join others to pray for CTR leaders, the global church, or about current events. Come for time to seek Him earnestly together.

Known Women’s Conference | Oct. 17 & 18, 2025 at Green Bay Community Church and online

Experience a weekend of community and connection where you’ll experience the joy of being fully known by God, the fulfillment of knowing Him better, and the comfort of drawing closer to other women. Take a weekend to be freed from burdens, busyness, and brokenness. We hope that you will create new connections and have faith conversations with other women who are walking through life’s pains and joys, just like you! Christ The Rock is a sponsor of the Known Conference. CLICK HERE to register.